I was speaking to a landlord of mine the other day, when the subject of Grantham’s property values came up. Not those of recent years alone, but those of over the decades.
I found that the average value of a property in Grantham was £378 in 1930, which then dropped to £330 in 1934. The average value jumped to £1,120 in the late 1940s and in the 1950s the average value was £1,378.
In the late 1960s, the average value had risen dramatically to £2,970. This was followed by a big jump in average values between 1978 and 1980, with an increase of 65% from £9,980 to £15,101. The late 1980s saw a rise in average value to £35,101.
At the millennium, average values had managed to rise to £64,992. Today, even following the crash of 2008, Grantham’s average property value is £161,400.
If you would like to come and discuss property in the area, you are welcome to visit our office on St Peters Hill.