Property Maintenance

If your property is managed by Belvoir, any repairs and maintenance problems you have should be reported to us using our online reporting system called Fixflo – You can access this site here – at any time of the day from any device.

Please also note.

  • We are responsible for notifying your landlord, but we are NOT responsible for fixing the problem – we have no authority to spend money on your property without your landlord’s consent. As such, unless it’s really urgent, it may take a couple of days to get a decision from the landlord.
  • The landlord is not obliged to fix everything. There are some things they must fix by law, there are other things they can choose not to fix. We advise tenants to report everything, so that your landlord can make an informed decision about what to fix and when.
  • YOU are responsible for undertaking basic DIY tasks, not your landlord. Your tenancy agreement says that you should behave in a Tenant like manner and do those things that might reasonably be expected of a Tenant. These include, but are not limited to: changing light bulbs and fuses, tightening screws, unblocking u-bends, clearing gutters of leaves, and generally attending to minor DIY matters.
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