FREE Electrical Inspection Condition Report

Since April 2021, landlords must have obtained a satisfactory Electrical Inspection Condition Report (EICR) for all existing tenancies in order to comply with the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rental Sector (2020) Regulations, but have all landlords complied?

Many landlords may not yet have obtained an EICR assuming that their electrical installations are safe, particularly on more recently built properties.  Some have incorrectly assumed that they are only required for new tenancies and some with older installations may be putting off obtaining an EICR fearing that it will lead to costly remedial works.

In reality, obtaining an EICR is a straightforward process and in our experience of obtaining EICRs for over six hundred properties in the past 12 months ranging from Victorian terraced houses through to recently constructed properties, the incidence of costly remedial works is low.

If you have not yet complied with the regulations is it worth risking the safety of your tenants and a potential fine of up to £30,000?

Our fully managed landlord clients enjoy the benefit of us obtaining EICRs for their properties from trusted and fully accredited electrical contractors who we also ensure carry out any remedial works at cost effective rates.

For a limited period, if you are a private landlord who has not yet obtained an EICR and you sign up to our full management service we’ll arrange one for you FREE OF CHARGE!

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