Belvoir Hull 15 tips for choosing a agent to manage your buy-to-let

Thinking of Letting your property  here is a checklist Belvoir Hull recommend

Renting a property can be an exciting but worrying time. Their are lots of success stories and equally lots of unsuccessful ones. To help make it easier if you are new to buy-to-let Belvoir Hull have a great checklist that if followed your buy-to-let will be a success story.

1.. Only use letting agents that are members of any of the following : Propertymark, Safe Agent, ARLA/RICS just like we are here at Belvoir.

2..Become a tenant first by typing into google ‘Rent a property in …. and check which agents come at the top of the list.

3..Look at each agents current properties to let and if they have anything similar in the area your property is located.

4..Speak to the agents and see how they keep upto date with latest letting rules and regulations.

5.. Ask the agent how they keep upto date with buy-to-let? e.g newsletters, seminars and work shops.

6..Ask the agent how your property will be marketed? i.e Boards, Window Cards, Internet.

7..Ask the agent what there average void is.

8..Research all the different services they have to offer including Tenant Find, Let Only, Full Management.

9..Understand in detail what different sevices include e.g Tenancy Agreements.

10..Work out all the costs of letting a property through that agent including Set Up Fee, Management Fee, Other Fees.

11..Compare costs for a 6-12 month period including any Re-letting charges, EPC, Gas/Electric Safety Certificates.

12.. Check the terms of business with a lettings specialist.

13..Find out how long it will be from the tenant paying the rent to that money been transferred to your bank account.

14..What other services are offered? such as seminars, workshops, help with legal issues or the property.

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