Advertising for Tenants - Increased Use of the Internet by Belvoir Kettering

Over the past year, Belvoir Kettering has undertaken a wide-ranging analysis into how tenants conduct research into finding a new home.  Historically, newspaper advertising was key, with both sales agents and letting agents advertising once a week in their local newspaper.  This medium worked reasonably well, but the main disadvantage was that any person out-of-town could not easily have access to local newspapers.  Therefore, a significant portion of tenants never knew which properties were suitable for them.

Belvoir Kettering has found that internet advertising is now the most effective form of getting our message and, more importantly, our properties to the mass market.  The major benefit is that we can change our medium instantly, without reliance on a newspaper which would have taken several days.  Moreover, the internet is accessible wherever you are – so if you’re job is relocating to Kettering, you need not worry about obtaining a local newspaper.  With the internet, you can see everything wherever you are based.

Several important updates have been made to our website to allow tenants a greater choice and help find properties to rent in Kettering.  Via our You can now make online requests for property viewings (which Belvoir Kettering can do between 8am to 8pm 7 days per week).  Also, prospective tenants can directly download a property brochure with full colour photographs of a chosen property.  The advertisement on the website of Belvoir property lettings agency Kettering also show a Google map of the property’s locations and show local amenities.  Tenants can register for Kettering new property alerts so they can be advised the minute new properties are added. On a final note, the Belvoir Kettering website also allows tentants to browse details regarding our office and our staffing – making an enquiry with the most relevant member of staff easier.

To sumamrise, Belvoir Kettering have invested heavily in their website and online marketing efforts to reflect it’s importance to us to gain tenant enquiries. If you have any other suggestions for inprovement please let us know.

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