Guide To Tenant Referencing At Belvoir Letting Agents Kettering

Every person who applies for a rental property must undergo thorough referencing to be enabled to be a tenant.

At Belvoir Lettings Agency in Kettering, we pride ourselves on being extremely thorough and accurate with each new applicant.

Some letting agents use outside sources to conduct referencing, whereas at Belvoir all of this is done in house. This leads to a quicker return of paperwork thus ensuring candidates are kept updated at a much more rapid rate.

Every applicant must read and sign a Tenancy Application Form then pay the required fee. Once this, and all paperwork required, has been submitted to the Negotiator (who will check it over) it will be passed over to the referencing team.

As well as the referencing and checks that are carried out, applicants are supplied with Insurance Quotes and regular updates.

Once everything has been completed and overview of the information will be passed to the landlord of the property to sign off and agree to. This then enables a confirmation to be put in writing to the applicant.

For any prospective applicant, the best advice to be given to them is always ensure that any paperwork is thoroughly read through and all required information is supplied.

This enables processes to be much faster and efficient thus meaning quicker confirmation and a stress free process.

At Belvoir Lettings Agents Kettering we are always on hand to provide advice for applicants and tenants to ensure that the process of moving house is always smooth.

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