Tenancy Forms Checklist

You are just about to let your buy-to-let. So what are the essential bits of paper work that you need at the start off the tenancy?

Here is a brief checklist of all the essential letting forms you may need at the start of a tenancy:

1. Tenancy Agreement – The tenancy agreement is obviously key. It sets out all the aspects of the tenancy such as the rent, due date and deposit amount as well as your rights and responsibilities as a landlord.

2. Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) – Landlords are required to have an Energy Performance Certificate to allow them to market their property under the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations (2007/991). Failure to do so could result in a £200 fine by Trading Standards.

3. Property Inventory – The property inventory used to be cobbled together by many landlords “on the back of an envelope”. No longer! It is important that landlords create a clear property inventory with the
arrival of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) , you need a good one if you are to stand any chance if you have to go up against the Arbitrator at the end of the tenancy.

4. Tenant reference – Having your tenant referenced is no guarantee that they will keep on paying your rent. However, what it will tell you is if they are in debt, or have defaulted on previous credit agreements and
accumulated a collection of County Court Judgements (CCJs).

5. Landlord Licence – For most landlords luckily we don’t need a landlord licence. However, some councils have their own licensing scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).

6. Gas Safety Certificate (GSC) – Landlords require to have a valid Gas Safety Certificate if the rental property contains a gas appliance of any kind. The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 deal with
landlords’ duties to make sure gas appliances, fittings and flues provided for tenants are safe. This means they need an up to date GSC with a copy available for the tenant to view.

7. Electrical Safety Certificate – There is no mandatory requirement for an electrical safety certificate but Belvoir Kettering recommend that a property is PAT tested regularly to establish that all electrical appliances
and circuits are safe.

8. Manuals and instructions – If your property has any kind of appliance or equipment it is always a good idea to have the instructions handy. It could save you an unnecessary visit or phone calls.

9. Tenant Manual – Some landlords swear by a tenant manual. It in no way supersedes the tenancy agreement. It lays out your personal approach to the tenancy and also has important contact details and information all in one document that the tenant can refer to.

10. TV Licence – A landlord may be required to have a TV licence even when it’s the tenants that are watching the TV. So don’t be caught out by not having the right forms to let your property. Check them off against
our tenancy checklist.

If you are an existing landlord or potentially a first time landlord get in touch with Belvoir Kettering today to take advantage of our vast expertise and experience to ensure you are getting the best advice.


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