*Help the homeless on the streets of Liverpool*

This year our team at Belvoir Liverpool Central will be handing out Care packages on Friday 14th December to the people on the streets of Liverpool, simple packages are currently being put together by our team to attempt to make our people smile and feel included in the festive fun.

We will be handing out a care bag, fresh sandwiches, flasks of tea and fleeces to help keep them warm during the winter season.

Can you help?
Homelessness is extremely harmful to people’s wellbeing and health. Sleeping rough shortens life span by 30 years, with people likely to die younger at 47, compared with 77 for the general population.

We are asking for any donations no matter how big or small , our team can collect if you are local or you can pop into our office anytime up until 14th December

We are located at 20 sir Thomas Street, L1 6BW. You can call us on   231 1613 or email dean.mcvay@belvoir.co.uk

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