Landlords and tenants urged to not let home security slip in the heat

As the country experiences the hottest summer in decades, both landlords and tenants are being advised to keep their cool when it comes to home security.

James Davis, founder of online letting agency, Upad, says: “The British population enjoys nothing more than discussing the weather, but more often than not that’s focused on rain, fog and dismal temperatures.


Pre-winter checks on the central heating system and draft-proofing are a given, but when the temperatures rise as significantly as they have in recent weeks, it’s all too easy to lose sight of simple home security and maintenance measures.”

With opportunistic burglaries increasing during the summer months when doors and windows are left open, James Davis warns that this is not just an issue for the sitting tenants:

He says: “An open door or window provides a burglar with easy access to a property – indeed as many as 2 in 10 burglaries involve no forced entry at all. Whilst, arguably, the responsibility for ensuring that windows and doors are secure lies with the tenant, we’d always advise landlords to be on top of this too.


Simply, an upsetting experience such as burglary, regardless of where the fault lies, will lead the tenant to question their future in a property and consider a move. This could leave the landlord with a potential void period and the hassle of securing a new tenant.”

Upad advises landlords that, by taking a few simple steps, they can support their tenants in keeping a property secure during the hotter weather:

1: A gentle reminder of the tenant’s commitment, via the tenancy agreement, to properly look after the property is worth considering as this can touch on obvious, but often neglected, security must-dos

2: Open channels of communication can encourage tenants to inform their landlord of any prolonged periods of absence and will enable a landlord to put measures in place for checks to be made on the property if feasible

3: Upgrading window locks so that windows left slightly open can still be secured and thus lessen their appeal to would-be burglars could also prove a worthwhile investment. Sheds and outhouses should also be kept secure so that any tools which may facilitate entry to a property aren’t easily accessed

However, it’s not just home security that becomes an issue for landlords and tenants when a heatwave strikes.

James concludes: “Almost as soon as the word ‘heatwave’ is uttered, the phrase ‘hosepipe ban’ is likely to follow. Landlords should, therefore, ensure that they’ve put plans in place for garden maintenance during this time and discuss with their tenants how the overall appearance of the property can be protected so that it remains an attractive rental for future tenants.”

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