Liverpool and Key Area June's Monthly Report on Price Trends

Liverpool and Key Area June’s Monthly Report on Price Trends

Here is this months look at property price trends for Liverpool, Liverpool City Centre, West Derby, Croxteth Country Park and Old Swan.

I want to keep an eye on the average sale price, the average letting price and work out rental yields so that investors can make a sound financial decision when investing in these key areas of our city.

Let. us start with the whole of Liverpool before looking at key areas:

The average property price in Liverpool has increased to £137.313 from £132,312 and this has an increase of 3.77% over the last month but this is still down by 3.42% on last years average sale price of £142,180. With the average asking prices of rent Liverpool increasing by £2 to £611 means that due to a good increase in prices and a smaller increase in rents that the yield for Liverpool has dropped to 5.34 giving us a 0.18% drop from last month.

Let. us take a look at the areas that we are focusing on:

Area        average price             average rent      yield    yearly price change

L1           £152,257                        £774pcm        6.10%           -1.24%

L2           £152,379                        £1,112pcm      8.76%          -2.95%

L3           £152,444                       £766pcm         6.02%            -6.21%


Derby     £132,176                       £564pcm         5.12%             -3.42%

Croxteth  £232,638                       £593pcm         3.06%             -2.43%

Old Swan £85,511                      £551pcm            7.73%             -3.42%

Area           average price         average price May     monthly price change

L1                   £152,257               £145,408                            4,71%

L2                   £152,379                £153,944                          -1.02%

L3                   £152,444              £86,886                               75.4%


Derby            £132,176               £128,890                                2.55%

Croxteth        £232,638                £225,076                                3.36%

Old Swan        £85,511                £82,333                                    3.86%

Area             average rent            average rent May    monthly price change

L1                   £774pcm                      £720pcm                    7.50%

L2                   £1,112pcm                    £720pcm                     54.4%

L3                   £766pcm                       £702pcm                        9.11%


Derby             £564pcm                      £605pcm                            -6.78%

Croxteth         £593pcm                      £633pcm                               -6.32%

Old Swan          £551pcm                      £571pcm                              -3.50%

This data shows that L2 has now become the best place to invest for this months yield but this is because we’ve seen a massive change in the asking price of rents in L2. We will need to keep a close eye on this over the next few months to see if L2 maintains this yield. The interesting that we can see is that prices in all areas except L2 have started to see a increase the average price sold. This is great news of property owners in these areas but bad news if you’re looking to invest in a property as the market is now starting to show some positive signs. Now seems like the ideal time to start investing in property as it looks as though prices have reached the bottom and are slowly increasing.

If we look at the yields, then we see great increases for L1, L2 and L3 but the suburbs of Liverpool rents are decreasing over the past month. We will also need to keep a close eye on this over the future months to see if City Centre apartments out perform properties in the Suburbs.

If you wish to discuss this information further or would like help in sourcing an investment property in these areas, then call our office on 0151 256 0880 and we will be more than happy to help you.

Let. us do all the work!


Liverpool Central

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