Top Tips On Getting Your Home Photo Ready by Liverpool Estate Agent

Lucy’s Top Tips and Tricks

An open and bright space

“It is a proven fact that light leads to happiness. If somebody walks into a bright home, they are more likely to fall in love with it than if it was dull! Ensure all lights in your home are turned on, and all blinds, shades and curtains are open, or if it is later in the day, you may even wish to light some candles for a warm and cozy effect!"

Dress to Impress!

“The first impression of a house is crucial! This may be the first time a viewer looks through pictures, or a first time they enter the house. Try dressing your home in your prettiest accessories, bedding, cushions, or maybe even a vase of fresh flowers – But don’t go overboard; we don’t want it looking cluttered!”


“Whether you have a big clear out, or simply hide everything in a cupboard, this vital tip may secure you an offer! This includes anything from toys, clothes, dishes, seasonal decorations, and even pets’ beds, toys and food/water bowls! This will give the impression or a larger, airy property, winning interest of plenty more!”

Put your house in order

“Rearranging your furniture can be an excellent way to increase space and make the room appear larger.”

A splash of colour goes a long way

"Adding a splash of colour is easy, but results in a big improvement in the appearance of your home! This may be as simple as adding a filled fruit basket to the kitchen, or a vase of flowers in the lounge!”

Lucy’s Checklist for Preparing A Picture Perfect Home That Nobody Will Be Able To Resist!


  • Clear your counter tops of food, small appliances, pots and pans, chopping boards or dishes.
  • Clear the sink and draining board (no dishes!)
  • Remove large fridge magnets, art work, sticky notes, or anything else hanging on the fridge
  • Remove kitchen towels or oven mits that are hanging
  • Clear your counter tops of food, small appliances, pots and pans, chopping boards or dishes.
  • Move any bins out of sight
  • Ensure all cupboards are closed and clean

Bathroom & Laundry

  • Remove toiletries, bath products, toothbrushes and toothpastes
  • Clean mirrors and shower screens
  • Remove laundry baskets and rubbish bins
  • Remove bath mats and make sure towels are arranged and folded, and chosen colours to compliment the room
  • Ensure all toilet lids are down

Living Areas

  • Leave minimal accessories on tables
  • If you feel it may be necessary, remove any furniture or rugs to make the house appear seem bigger
  • Make sure all furniture and accessories compliment the room
  • Remove scruffy throws from sofas
  • If your sofa is tired or old, cover with pretty throws and complimenting cushions
  • Fluff the cushions 
  • Remove any children’s toys or piles of books, magazines, DVDs or CD’s


  • Choose your favorite bedding, make the bed look neat and tidy, and don’t forget to fluff them cushions! Covering the end of the bed with a matching throw and adding a few scatter cushions looks great!
  • Pack away any toys, clothes, toiletries, and general clutter
  • Try to keep bedside tables clear
  • Ensure anything hidden under the bed is not visible
  • Close all drawers and wardrobe doors


  • Move any cars from the driveway or directly in front of the house
  • Put bicycles, hose, garden tools, pool toys in garage or out of sight
  • Move wheelie bins away from the house – nothing wrecks a picture more than overflowing wheelie bins!
  • Tidy the garden by mowing the lawn, arranging garden furniture and moving any toys, hoses, garden, tools etc. Always make sure you open the umbrellas on any patio furniture
  • Consider adding some bright flowers
  • Try to choose a clear day so that there is a lot of natural light on the house
  • Mow the lawn
  • Clean the windows
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