Top tips to help you sell your home in winter

With the weather turning and the nights drawing in, highlights the top tips for home sellers who are looking to put their home on the market this winter.

Although the summer months are traditionally the best time to put a home up for sale, the lead up to Christmas and after New Year can also be a busy period so eMoov’s tips will help maximise the selling potential for people selling over the winter period.

Light It Up

Getting as much light in the space as possible is crucial in creating a light, more open space. This can be achieved by keeping blinds and curtains open, as well as turning on lamps and overhead lights throughout the property. If there is access to a fireplace, then use it because a roaring fire will make the home both cozy and lit up.

If the sale is within an acceptable timeframe from Christmas, it would be in the seller’s best interest to decorate in a tasteful and not tacky manner. This will help showcase the property by bringing to life the otherwise plain nooks and crannies.

Heat It Up

The heat should be up a few degrees higher than usual to warm viewers up from the cooler outdoors, which will create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere that will help people relax during their viewing.

Colour to Season

A fresh paint job is always a good idea and as always it is good to go neutral as it enables the buyer to picture the space as their own and does not put them off with any garish colour schemes. But use a warmer shade or something autumnal over a crisp white for this time of the year. If an extra is needed, a throw blanket over a sofa will only enhance the cozy decor.

No Dogs, No Scented Candles, No Clutter

As always, remove all negative or potentially offensive smells. Animals can turn some buyers off whatever the weather, but the smell of a wet dog is far more noticeable than usual. Plus, it’s common for people to have allergies or sensitivities to scents, so no candles or deodorizers before viewings. You might think your festive candle is a dream, but someone with different tastes may be deterred.

The smell of freshly baked bread is said to “help sell your home” although it is widely believed this is somewhat of a wives tale. However, some homemade cake or mince pies are always a welcome winter treat to accompany a hot cup of tea.

Putting boots, shoes and jacket away in a closet is necessary, as well as reorganising rooms to have the appearance of being larger without being empty. Any carpets should get a deep clean before the property goes on the market and it goes without saying that a home should be consistently tidy.

Showcase Out of Season Features

Summer photos are a must to showcase what the property looks like in different light, especially with a garden. A photo album with all the wonderful features during warmer months is a good idea to entice potential buyers about what to look forward to in warmer weather.

Even in the winter months, the outdoor space is a sought after feature and needs to look great. Make sure you clear any leaves, mow the lawn and at least keep the flower beds in check despite having no beautiful flowers at this time of year. Make sure any outdoor storage is neat and tidy and turn on any working floodlights to help showcase the outdoor space during long dark nights.

Get Your House In Order: DIY and Weather Put Offs

Fix any shaky windows because it will eliminate any leaks and noises from the wind while people are walking through during rainy and windy days. If there are any other issues that need fixing, it is best to be honest with the buyer because they will likely want to make some repairs when they move in.

In the event of snow, clear a pathway to walk to the house and have a mat at the door to eliminate water or snow being dragged through the property. It is also wise to keep an eye out for ice because a potential buyer falling and hurting themselves before even making it to the door is guaranteed to put them off.

Russell Quirk, founder and CEO of, had this to say: “Although warmer months are a more popular time of year to sell a home, there are several features that can be showcased in colder months that will attract potential buyers.

Before investing in a property, it is a good idea to know what to expect throughout the entire year, which is why seeing a property in the winter is an excellent first impression because then there are high hopes for some of the outdoor features during the summer months.”

If your looking to sell your home, for a FREE valuation call Belvoir Liverpool Central Sales Team on 0151 231 1613 or email us at

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