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Homelessness set to rise in wake of Section 21 abolition

Tenant eviction specialists, Landlord Action, says that as many as 50% of Section 21 cases they handle are as a result of tenants wanting to be re-housed by the council.

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Burglary fears prompt 1 in 4 to use smart tech to protect their homes

Despite the latest police figures showing that the number of recorded burglary offences in England and Wales have fallen by 3% in 2019, 83% think they should be doing more to improve their home security.

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Rent controls are “snake oil” and should be rejected, says Economist

The weekly economic and financial research magazine The Economist has made a scathing attack on rent controls.

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How long do homeowners wait before sharing their keys?

How long do homeowners wait before sharing their keys?

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What is Britain's ultimate dream home?

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What are the ideal home temperatures for pets?

The UK is a nation of animal lovers. We also love hot weather, and with today widely tipped to break the all time UK temperature record, it's essential that we take care of ourselves and our fury friends. An estimated 51 million pets share our home in Britiain. But, do we know the optimum temperature our four-legged friends should be living in to ensure they are happy and healthy?

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When is this year’s most popular day to move home?

Newly released data  has revealed that, for the last 12 years, August has been the most popular month to move home.

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Slowing house price growth not enough to dampen homeowner confidence

The latest data and analysis from Zoopla has revealed that despite slowing price growth in the property market, homeowner confidence remains strong with 81% of Brits expecting property value increases in their area over the next six months.

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Is it currently better to rent or buy?

ettings platform, Bunk, has compared the cost of remaining in the rental market or stepping on to the property ladder and how this differs across the UK.

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The property investor's funding toolbox

What strategy do you have for your property investment? Taxation and regulatory changes in recent years have added more complexity to investing in property, which has inspired a growing number of investors to take a more creative approach to improving their returns. Fortunately, there is also a growing selection of lending options to help fund different types of property investment. Over the coming months we will explore these products in greater depth but, for now, here are some of the options available in a property investor’s funding toolbox.

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What should tenants expect to pay for after the Fee Ban?

If you've not heard already, the Tenant Fee ban is due to come into force on June 1st and there are still questions that need answering about what this will mean for the industry and tenants alike.

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Top ten property features that kill buyer interest

According to the latest research from regulated property buyer, Good Move, people would rather buy a house where a murder has taken place than one that has signs of damp or cracks in the walls.

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