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What would a no-deal Brexit mean for the property market?

The official Brexit deadline is roughly ten weeks away. And yet the terms of the UK’s departure from the EU remain unfixed – an issue that was compounded when a vast majority of MPs rejected Theresa May’s withdrawal plans.

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Top tips for a quick house sale

Nobody wants a lengthy house sale. Aside from the fact that it's one of life's great stress tests, the costs will soon begin to mount up and the likelyhood of the whole thing collapsing increases by the day.

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Top tips for a more energy efficient home in 2019

For many reasons, large numbers of us now aim to become more energy efficient around our homes. Being energy efficient impacts simple actions like switching on a light, opening a fridge or heating water. Here are heating experts,Hometree’s top tips for becoming energy efficient in 2019.

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The importance of getting to know your tenants

As the deadline looms for making resolutions for a better year ahead, seasoned landlords are advising their less-experienced counterparts to invest the time in getting to know their tenants.

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1 in 4 have Christmas home security concerns

New research has revealed that Brits are investing in additional security measures in a bid to keep their homes secure.

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Christmas closure

Belvoir Liverpool Central will be closed from 22nd December 2018 to 2nd January 2019.

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Is putting my home up for sale at Christmas really a good idea - or should I wait for the New Year?

Homes listed at Christmas have 15 per cent more viewings, claims estate agent. It is because Christmas provides a captive audience as people are not at work

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*Help the homeless on the streets of Liverpool*

This year our team at Belvoir Liverpool Central will be handing out Care packages on Friday 14th December to the people on the streets of Liverpool, simple packages are currently being put together by our team to attempt to make our people smile and feel included in the festive fun.

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Tenants Call for Change, 30 Years after Housing Act

Britain’s private tenants are calling for change to UK housing law, 30 years after the Housing Act 1988 was introduced. Renters are taking to Twitter to demand changes to the law, to make their lives more stable, peaceful and safe

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How long does the average landlord have to wait to get possession of a property?

Where a landlord needs to regain possession urgently because of poor tenant behaviour and the tenant refuses to leave, landlords have to resort to the courts.

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FTBs show no sign of slowing down as market share increases

e.surv has released new data showing that competitive mortgage rates are continuing to reel in first-time-buyers and increasing their share of the market.

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Landlords warned that arrears and evictions have doubled under Universal Credit

A survey of Universal Credit claimants in every local authority area where the changes have been implemented shows they owe their landlords £662.56 on average, compared with £262.50 for those on traditional housing benefits. The figures also indicate that evictions have risen by 55% in just one year in areas when Universal Credit has been implemented.

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