How Trusting Are People?

Our previous property manager, Jennifer (named changed to avoid embarrassment)  set up some interim property visits and she scheduled in a visit to a property at Linden grove in Sandiacre.

Jennifer was met by the tenant who answered the door and explained that she wasn’t expecting a visit from the letting agent. Jennifer explained that a letter had definitely been sent and as she was there was it OK to come in and do the report, the tenant agreed.

During the visit  some maintenance was raised and discussed, the property manager advised she would report the maintenance to the landlord and would get back to the tenant. The tenant also wanted to change the carpet in the dining room for laminate. Jennifer said she would seek permission from the landlord and revert back to her.

The lock was stiff so Jennifer got out some WD40 and fixed the lock whilst she there which saved a contractor journey and the associated cost.

The interim property report was sent to the landlord and the landlord subsequently phoned back to advise he didn’t have a dining room at the property, after a lot of head scratching and investigation it was realized that Jennifer had followed her sat Nav and it had taken her to Linden Grove in Stapleford and not Linden Gove in Sandiacre!

Jennifer had completed an interim property report on a property that Belvoir didn’t even manage!

It seems quite unbelievable that a tenant would let a stranger into her property, but I guess if you  are confident, know what you are talking about and help the tenant with their problems then I’m sure this won’t be the last time this happens. Jennifer was a lot more careful with her Sat Nav and clarifying which are Belvoir properties and which are not!

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