Property Investment Camparison; Long Eaton vs Stapleford

A comparison of 2 bed terraced properties in Long Eaton and Stapleford

How have two properties in different parts of south Nottingham performed over the last few years?

163 Bennett Street Long Eaton

This property was bought for £24000 on 22 October 1999 and sold on 14 October 2013 for £88000. This represents a compound annual growth rate of 9.72%

3 Horace Avenue Stapleford

This property was bought on 28 July 2000 for £33,500 and was sold on 2 December 2013 for £92,500. This represents a compound annual growth rate of 7.81%.

Bear in mind these figures include the credit crunch period from 2008 onwards.

Lucian Cook the head of UK residential research at Savills expects property price rises of 17% over the next 3 years.

If you are thinking of entering the buy-to-let market or are thinking about expanding your portfolio, contact the local property experts at Belvoir Long Eaton and we will advise you on all aspects of property investment.

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