Summer Garden Tips

Here are our top tips for making the most of your garden;

1.      Pull up the weeds

Have a good look at the flowerbeds and borders and rid yourself of those pesky weeds. Be sure to pull up their roots to make sure they dont grow back straight away. This will help other flowers and shrubs grow healthier and it’ll make the garden look tidier. Also, take a look at the lawn. There are plenty of weed and feed solutions in shops at the moment that could really make a difference to weedy patches or bald grassy areas.


2.      Water the plants

It sounds obvious but in hot weather, some plants may need more water to keep them healthy, and the extra water along with hours of sunshine will help them grow. Make sure when watering plants on hot days that the temperature has lowered, late evenings when the sun is going down is usually the best time. Although it can be a costly addition, using a sprinkler for a few minutes a day can really help make the lawn luscious and green.


3.      Plant summer and autumn bulbs

A summer flowering bulb is often forgotten about, and even more so, the autumn flowering bulb. But if planted now you could have a beautiful flowering garden right up until the early winter months. A few of our summer favourites are begonia, lilies and crocosmia.


4.      Design your outdoor space

Is there a garden feature that’s been on your wish list for a while, maybe a hot tub and garden bar or have you been meaning to transform that corner of your garden into a tranquil place to swing in a hammock and read your favourite book? Make a plan now and make it happen. Perhaps you could look for local companies that help you with the transformation or if you’re feeling confident, do the hard work yourself and stagger it over a number of weeks. Either way, that plan will be become a reality in no time.


5.      Watch out for pests

No one wants to see their hard work disappearing as it’s chomped by unwanted insects. Learn which bugs are good and which ones you need to get rid of, and fast! Some helpful bugs can be introduced to your garden with certain plants, and these can be great to get rid of your unwanted garden pests! 

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