Top tips for finding the best schools in your area

It can be a tense time for parents when it comes to selecting the right schools for your children, with plenty to consider from catchment areas, performance scores and admission deadlines, the process can be lengthy.

To make this a little bit easier we have put together a simple check list of things you should consider when searching for the right schools.

Check the schools website;
This is a great place to start when it comes to researching schools in your local area, you can easily find a wealth of information just from browsing through their website. Look for things like admissions criteria, behaviour and uniform policies, latest news and events, maybe check out the photo gallery- try and get a real feel of the place. Schools are also compliant to have details of their latest Ofsted report on their website, so it may be worth having a read through this too.

Talk to existing parents attending the school;
Talking to parents who already have children in the school is a great way to retrieve information and ask any questions that may be of a concern. Existing parents can inform you of the schools community, how their children are doing in terms of learning and getting on with their classmates, any issues that may have overcome and so on. Widen your scope and talk to a few parents to get a broad opinion of the school.

Visit potential schools;
It is important to visit a few schools to get a feel for which ones may be suitable. There are often open days for prospective parents, where you can have a look around and talk to teachers/staff, or sometimes it is possible to organise separate visits.

Ask you children what they would like;
It is important to determine what type of student your child is and what environment they will most likely succeed in. Analyse your child’s needs, strengths and weaknesses and overall personality, involve them in the selection process- it is their future after all.

Don’t get hung up on league tables and figures;
As important as they are, don’t let these impact your ultimate decision. Tests and exams are only one part of the picture, so make sure you are considering all of the different elements.

Know a good school in your area? Let us know by tweeting us @BelvoirUK.

Image credit; image from Unsplash. 

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