5 Quick and easy ways to save energy this winter

We’re smack bang in the midst of winter, and if the chill didn’t make that clear, your energy bills probably have. If this is the case and your energy bills have once again caught you by surprise, you might want to have a quick look at these easy ways to be more energy efficient.

Energy efficient appliances

We don’t recommend replacing a perfectly good appliance, but when the time comes for a new one, it’ll be wise to opt for the more energy efficient options out there. Appliances classed as A+++ will save you a lot of money on the long haul.

Be smart about your thermostat

Keep an eye on your thermostat setting. By turning the thermostat down by just one degree, you’ll save considerably on energy costs. Rather layer on some blankets and put on some woolly socks to keep warm.

Beware of standby appliances

It’s easy to forget that some items in our homes still use electricity even when it’s been turned off. By turning your appliances off at the plug, you’ll save a lot of unnecessary electricity. Just read the manual of your appliance first to make sure this won’t upset the programming.

Upgrade the insulation

Insulating your radiators, pipes and water tank efficiently will make a big difference to your energy bills. Loft insulation is a great long-term solution to keep your house toasty and more energy efficient.

Be mindful of your energy consumption

Be savvy with your energy usage. If you’re not in a room, make sure to turn off the lights. Rather wash one big load of washing instead of multiple small loads, which is less energy efficient than you might think. Avoid tumble dryers as much as possible, and rather air-dry clothes when possible.

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