Fire safety tips

Fire safety should be at the top of everyone’s list of priorities. It is never fun to think of worst-case scenarios but keeping your tenant, family or loved ones safe is worth the trouble of taking preventative steps.


Following fire safety regulations is non-negotiable. Make sure you are up to date with the latest regulations.

Smoke alarms

A working smoke alarm could be the warning you need to get your family to safety. Fit smoke alarms on each level of your home and test the batteries regularly.

Kitchen safety

Take extra care when cooking. Make a habit of checking that appliances are switched off after mealtimes. It might be easier said than done but a ‘no kids in the kitchen without supervision rule’ is good one to implement.

Electrical appliances

Do not overload sockets. Try to keep it down to one plug per socket. Try to avoid plugs and wires that are old and possibly poorly wired.


They might be pretty, but they can be extremely dangerous. Be cautious when using candles. Make sure candles are secured in a stable holder and kept away from curtains, fabrics and paper. Always put out candles when you are leaving the room.

Escape plan

Make sure everyone knows what to do in the event of a fire. chances are it will be overwhelming and traumatic and therefore it is crucial to have your action plan ready so as not to be caught of guard.

Smokers take note

Smoking is a major cause of fire fatalities. If you are a smoker there are a few things to keep in mind. It is safer to smoke outside. Never smoke in bed, and avoid smoking on arm chairs and sofas. Use proper ashtrays, which can’t tip over. Most importantly, stub cigarettes out properly.

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