Keeping your property secure

When it comes to keeping your property safe from intruders, prevention is certainly better than cure. Safety doesn’t always have to come at a high cost. We looked at simple ways to stay ahead of the game and outsmart intruders.

Pick up your mail and leaflets

Intruders are on the lookout for empty properties. A build-up of mail signals to intruders that there’s no one home to collect it. Make sure that any leaflets or mail posted through the door is picked up speedily.

Don’t be fooled by distraction techniques

Be aware of any scam or distraction techniques. Intruders may use a ploy to enter your property pretending to be someone they’re not. Always ask for ID when someone requests to enter your property on official business. Rule of thumb: if you’re unsure, don’t let them in.

Keep a tidy exterior

Clutter lying around could be the perfect tools for intruders to force entry. Keep a tidy exterior to avoid aiding a break-in.

Video doorbells

It’s worth investing in a video doorbell if you have the means. This will deter intruders and act as evidence should the worst happen.


Lights are a major deterrent. Not only could this signal that someone is home, but it makes it more difficult not to be seen. It’s worth investing in security lights or motion detector lights if you can afford this.

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