Moving with children

Moving is a stressful transition and can especially be overwhelming for children. When familiarity is swapped for newness the comforts of routine take the back seat. We looked at a couple of ways to best support the little ones during a move.

Let them know what to expect

There’s always a degree of uncertainty when moving home but try to prepare your children as much as possible. Help them understand the process and let them know what to expect. Challenges are unavoidable but children will deal with them much easier if they don’t come as a surprise.

Communication is key

Check in with your children as often as possible. Make time to ask your children how they’re feeling. Ask them how you can help them during this period. They need to know that you’re there to support them.

Establish a routine

Children thrive with routine. Even if mealtimes are not a top priority it’s important to try and maintain some regularity. Filling the new house with familiar objects can also help kids feel more comfortable after a relocation.

Stay positive

Try to focus on the good things about the move. Your feelings about the move can greatly affect your child. Try to make them excited about the move by pointing out positive things about the relocation.

New and old friends

Your children will be sad about leaving friends behind. Make it clear that they can stay connected and visit often if this is possible. It is also important for them to make new friends in their new environment because this will ultimately make the move easier.  

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