Plastic Free July

July is the month to swap convenient plastic use for more sustainable alternatives. We often think our contribution is of little consequence. What difference will one person’s efforts make? It’s really simple; small changes add up to a big difference. So, here are some simple ways you can make a difference this July.

Avoid single-use plastic

Take reusable grocery bags to the store and avoid using plastic bags for your shopping. Take a reusable cup with you on your morning coffee run. Swap liquid soap that come in plastic containers for the trusty old soap bar.

Avoid pre-packaged food

It might not be as convenient but try to avoid pre-packaged food as much as possible. Rather opt for loose foods that you can pack in paper bags. Buying bulk once a month can also help scale down on single-use plastics.

Be an environmentally conscious consumer

This is as simple as making better decisions when you shop. It might take some research on your end but consider your options as a consumer. Is there a plastic free alternative? Is there an option with less packaging? There’s always a better alternative out there, it’s just a matter of finding it.

Bamboo alternatives

Bamboo is a trusty alternative for many plastic products. Try to opt for bamboo toothbrushes, bamboo straws and even bamboo cutlery. You won’t be disappointed.

Beeswax food wrapping

Another trend that’s here to stay in the fight against plastic is beeswax food wrapping. Stop using plastic wrapping and rather opt for this fantastic reusable alternative.

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