Your summer maintenance to-do list

Prevention is without a doubt better than cure. It’s best not to put things out of sight and out of mind for too long when it comes to property maintenance.

We looked at some of the problems that tend to pop up in winter and how best to avoid it.

The boiler & heating

Emergency call outs to inspect a faulty boiler can be costly. Make sure your boiler is serviced regularly and that you’re clued up on how it works. Now is also the perfect time to bleed radiators and to check that everything is doing what it needs to before the cold creeps in.


Make sure outside drains aren’t blocked. Also check that your bath and sinks are draining freely. By using an industrial strength unblocking liquid every once in a while, you might prevent a costly visit by the plumber at a later stage.

Clear your gutters

Blocked gutters can cause water to flow down exterior walls. This may lead to water seeping through the building material which in turn will cause damp. Make use of the sunny days and clear the gutters of any leaves and debris.

Check the roof

While you’re up there, check the roof for any slipped tiles. Checking the loft and roof space for light coming in is also an easy way to identify places where water can penetrate.

Garden maintenance

A well-maintained garden can add a lot of value to a property, but an untidy garden will have the opposite effect. Use the summer months to plan your garden and consider some changes that will transform it into a low-maintenance garden.

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