
How to Make Self Isolating Easier For All At Home

It was announced last week that the lockdown was to be extended for another three weeks to protect the NHS and help slow the spread of the Coronavirus. For those families in self isolation and the rest of us that are only permitted to leave home for exercise, work (where we can’t work from home), essential food shopping and medical reasons, life at home can be fraught at times. In this article we share some tips on how to make self-isolating easier for all at home.

Family Time

Make time to be a family, there is a silver lining in every situation and this is no exception. With busy, hectic lives family time can be scarce. We now have an opportunity for some real quality time together, so why not set aside an hour or so every day to spend time as a family. That could be a different activity every evening, for example, having a film night, a board game night, even a music theme night. Take it in turns to suggest the activity so that everyone gets to do something they like to do.

Alone Time

As close as your family might be, we all need to be alone from time to time. Recognising this is key and could save friction, especially among children who are not great at recognising when they need this precious “me” time. Solo activities like reading a book, listening to favourite music through headphones or even taking a long relaxing bath are just a few examples of how to get some space from each other.

Team Work

There can be a tendency for the household chores to fall to one person, whilst we are all staying at home, we all need to pitch in. This will make sure that everyone is kept busy and each person gains a sense of productiveness, whilst not exhausting the person who usually does all the cooking and cleaning. Share out the cooking, cleaning, home maintenance and caring for little ones. How lovely will it be for someone else to cook dinner? For those that don’t normally this can be a therapeutic activity!

Skill Share

We all like to do different things in our spare time, when work and other commitments allow. Now we have plenty of time to not only indulge in our favourite hobbies but also to share them with other members of the household. Keep an open mind and play your teenager’s game console, try gardening for the first time with dad or give Pilates a go with mum! Whatever your hobby or skills share them with each other and try something new!

Stop TV Arguments

Most of us have experienced arguments over what to watch on TV even in normal times. If you have Sky TV these heated discussions will end. The Sky Go app is available for all Sky TV customers at no extra cost, so you can watch Sky on the go on your mobile, tablet or laptop. That should save a few arguments!

Whilst the current worldwide situation is worrying, we can make life at home a little less stressful with just a little forethought. Of course, being British the nation’s attitude is comforting “Keep Calm, Stay Home and Carry On!”