
Keeping Mentally Healthy while at Home

Staying home is without doubt the most sensible and socially responsible thing we as a nation can do right now. However, being at home for prolonged periods of time can be difficult especially if you are finding it difficult to interact with others. This can have an adverse effect on you, it is important to keep yourself active and occupied to keep yourself mentally healthy. There are a few things that you can easily do to keep yourself feeling positive and energetic and in this article we share a few ideas with you.

Start a new hobby

If you’ve wanted to learn how to knit for years or are a keen modeller but never got around to it then time spent at home is the perfect time to start. Nothing will keep your mind more active than learning something new. There are lots of on-line resources and videos to help you start just about any new activity and, for most hobbies, there will also be on-line communities to answer any questions you might have.

Stay Connected

It is easy to become a bit of a hermit when at home for long periods of time, so it is important to keep connected to your family and friends. Modern technology gives us several ways to stay connected from Facetime or video calling, to messaging and you can always rely on a good old-fashioned phone call. Ensure you take time every day to connect with someone and just have a chat. This will help you feel less isolated.

You can also join online communities such as Reddit or Pinterest or Facebook to interact with people you might not know but at least have an interest in common.

Get outside

If you are lucky enough to have a garden and the weather is playing ball, then make sure you spend some time outside as often as you can. This will get you out from those same old 4 walls and get you some lovely fresh air and possibly some sun. The benefit of just spending a few minutes outside cannot be underestimated.


Try to keep to a routine if you can. It can be tempting to start getting up late and going to bed late too. It can also be tempting to start snacking and not eating as healthily as you normally would. It’s important to keep to a sensible routine. Exercise if you normally would, eat sensible meals at sensible times and get up and go to bed as you normally would.

Keep Active

Keep yourself busy with various things around the home and get a sense of achievement too. So why not do some decorating or clean the house from top to bottom. There will almost certainly be several jobs around the home that you’ve been putting off which you now have time to do. Keeping busy and getting that sense of achievement will give you a boost.

Don’t just keep your body active, keep your brain active too. Why not do some jigsaws or download some brain training games on your phone or computer to help keep the old grey matter ticking over.


Mindfulness is a relaxation technique which gets you to focus on the here and now rather than what is going on around you or what might happen. We often get caught up in our own thoughts which isn’t always a positive experience. Focus more on the sensations directly around you like the feel of the cushions or the smell of the cooking.

Being at home for long periods of time can be difficult, but by maintaining a routine, keeping yourself active, interacting with others and eating well, you can make it much easier to remain positive and happy.