

Two years on from pledging its nationwide backing for ‘We are Macmillan Cancer Support’, property lettings specialist, Belvoir, has beaten all of its own forecasts to raise a record breaking £25,000 for the charity.

Belvoir, which has a local office on Mill Street, Macclesfield, originally set a goal of £10,000 when it first launched its fund raising drive at a ‘Go Green Day’ in February 2011.

By the end of February 2012, the money raised by regional offices and Central Office staff had hit the £16,000 mark. But a further year of cash generating activities – ranging from relatively sedate coffee mornings to a daredevil parachute jump and highly successful golf tournament – has bolstered funds to its current cash ‘quarter of a century’ – much to the delight of Macmillan Regional Fundraising Manager, Tanya Taylor.

“It’s an incredible achievement and we are absolutely thrilled by the hard work, commitment and inventiveness shown by Belvoir offices all over the country, who have thrown their weight behind the company’s campaign.”

Rosemary & Andrew Millican, owners of the Belvoir Macclesfield says:” Every Belvoir office is at the heart of its own local community and throughout our UK network of 148 offices we have all committed to doing whatever we can to support this fantastic charity. We raised nearly £500 during our 5th Birthday celerations by holding a coffee morning and raffling a luxury hamper.

“The money raised is helping to fund Macmillan’s daily work in providing practical, medical and financial support to people affected by cancer and their families and now that we have reached the magical £25,000 milestone we do not intend to slow down.

” Belvoir has pledged its on-going support for the coming year and local offices will, once again, be doing what they can to boost the funds even further.”

Tanya Taylor added:” Cancer affects so many people – one in three people in the UK will be diagnosed at some point in their lives and there are two million people currently living with cancer. The number of people with cancer is growing every day. We want to reach and improve the lives of every one of those people.

“The generosity of Belvoir office owners and their colleagues friends, customers and other supporters will truly make a difference in our ability to continue our work.

” Macmillan sends out a big, heartfelt “thank you” to every one for their magnificent efforts and generosity.”

Dorian Gonsalves, Chief Executive Officer of Belvoir, added: ” Everyone within Belvoir has been extremely impressed by the way the Macmillan team engages with its supporters and Tanya and her team have kept very close to the company – helping to provide promotional and merchandising support to the very wide range of fund raising initiatives and activities dreamt up by our offices.

” With its years of professional expertise, backed by an excellent network of volunteers, outreach workers and carers, Macmillan helps relieve some of the very difficult emotional stresses and other pressures faced by individuals, couples and families in all areas of the UK.

“Our nationwide network will continue to do all it can to stay close to the charity’s work and provide as much financial assistance as it possibly can throughout the rest of 2013.”

For cancer support every step of the way call Macmillan on 0808 808 00

(Monday to Friday, 9am – 8pm) or visit macmillan.org.uk

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