
Making the most of the January sales

One of the things we look forward to after all the excesses of Christmas is the lure of bargains galore in the January sales where, if the adverts are to be believed, we will be able to save huge sums of money on a large variety of goods and services. In this article we give you some advice on how to survive the sales and how to ensure you are getting a real bargain.


This is perhaps the most important thing we can suggest. Set yourself a hard spend limit and stick to it. If you struggle to keep tabs on your cards then take cash and stop when you run out. 

Plan Ahead

One of the complaints that comes up year after year is that the sales are not genuine. How often have you heard that the “sale” item was at the same or cheaper price sometime within the previous six months?  According to Which It is worth planning ahead or researching previous prices of the items you think you might want to buy in the run up to the sales. That way you can keep and eye on the standard prices and ensure you are getting a real bargain.

As part of your planning and budgeting, according to ideal Home, make a list of what you want and stick to that list. It will make researching previous prices easier and also help you stick to your budget.

Shop Around

If you are braving the shops on the high street, don’t buy in the first shop you see that special bargain. Go into other shops and even check online on your phone to compare prices with other retailers and on-line shops. By shopping around, you will ensure you get the best deal.

First Day Blues

The sale adverts really do hype up the start of their sales, they open their stores super early or send you early bird invites to get you into the store as soon as possible. The first day is, however, often also the most expensive days and often retailers will discount their goods further in stages. Beware of leaving it, though, as you could risk the store running out of what you want.

Go Online

Why face the horror of overcrowded shops and having to fight for every bargain and queue for hours to pay? Go online! There won’t be any crowds and often you can often find goods cheaper online than in-store.

Know your Rights

Just because you are getting a bargain doesn’t mean that your consumer rights are thrown out of the window. The Consumer Rights Act, which came into force in 2015 gives you much clearer rights.  This article from Which will cover the important details for you and it is certainly worth taking the time to read it as many retailers will try to avoid sale items being returned.

Worth Considering

Remember that the sales don’t only cover every day good and electronics. There are plenty of financial deals to be had too. Why not take a look at your broadband provider and, if you are out of contract, look to get a new deal in the sales? What about your credit card? If you have put it through its paces over the festive period perhaps now is a great time to transfer it to a 0% card to save a fortune on interest. There will be plenty of other bargains out there which aren’t quite as obvious, but which could save you a lot of money.

Final Tips

When you go out shopping, make sure you have eaten beforehand, try to go on your own and avoid peak times. According to the Guardian, people buy more when they are hungry, and tend to spend more when with others as there is social pressure and a need to impress. Shoppers tend to copy others at peak times when they see someone else buy something.

The sales are a great time for getting a head start for the year but, by following these simple tips you can ensure you get a real bargain and don’t overspend which would negate the savings you have just made.