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Cost Of Living Persistently Rises, So Should Your Rent

Rental demand in August was rising at the fastest rate in two years according to Nick Cunning, Gr...

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Chips V Fish.

According to The Policy Exchange, the average home could cost £780,000 in 2040. To predict such ...

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Major Shortfall In First-time Buyers

According to Genworth, the mortgage insurer, there has been a decline in the volume of first-time...

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Robin Hood Tax Could Deter Wealthy Investors!

A proposed mansion tax by Labour and the Liberal Democrats could potentially deter wealthy invest...

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Landlord Update

We contribute rental information to the valuation office agency so knowledge and understanding of...

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Guidance On Legionnaires' Disease For Landlords

Landlords of residential accommodation have responsibilities for combating Legionnaires' Disease....

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'Waitress? There's a hair in my mousse.' 'Well, don't talk too loud. Everybody will want one.'

As of the 1st October 2014, legislation was introduced that stated the legal requirement for all ...

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Condensation Mould - Tenant or Landlord Responsibility?

One of the most common issues that can arise for both tenants and landlords is the problem of con...

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Time To Increase Tenant Deposits?

Agents and landlords across parts of the country may need to increase their tenancy deposits to c...

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Wild West Shakeup! Who's the Sheriff?

We are entering the 22nd day since the 'Wild West' was met with the legal requirement for all let...

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