House Price Index September 2015

On 17 Nov the Office for National Statistics (ONS) released their House Price Index for September 2015.

The key figures relating to house price changes in the UK are as follows:

  • UK house prices up 6.1% in the year to Sep 15, up from 5.2% in the year to Aug.
  • House price inflation in England was 6.4%, up from 5.6% to August.
  • Average sold house prices in the South-East rose by 7.4%, equal to the 12 month increase to August 15.

A total of 64 properties were sold during September in Newbury RG14, for an average of £335,054.  This is an increase of 18.9% against September 2014.

On 22 Oct 15 the Council of Mortgge Lenders (CML) released their data on loans made in September.  Key points as follows:

  • 27,600 loans were advanced to first time buyers, for a total of £4.2Bn.  An increase of 100 loans, no change in value from Sept 15.
  • 23,900 loans were advanced for BTL, for a total of £2.8Bn.  An increase of 7.6% in number and a decrease of 17.6% in value.

The Newbury RG14 picture remains one of low supply and increasing prices.  

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