Student Questions and Answers

Book Valuation

You will need to complete an online application form, provide photo ID and proof of address. Your guarantor will also need to complete a form in order for us to be able to reference them.

Students are asked to provide a guarantor who agrees to cover costs if you don’t pay the rent, or cause significant damage to the property. A guarantor will usually be a parent or guardian.

If you have a joint tenancy, any guarantor will also be jointly liable for overdue rent or damage caused by the other tenants.

A guarantor must have a UK address, and be able to confirm an annual income of over three times your annual rent. If you do not have a UK based guarantor you will need to pay your full years rent in advance.

Where there is more than one tenant signing an agreement, all tenants and their guarantors are ‘jointly and severally’ liable. This means that each tenant can be held responsible for the agreement and paying of rent or any damage to the property and not just a share of it. Be sure about the people you agree to share with, if they fail to pay the rent, you or your guarantor can also be held liable.

Yes. You are required to pay a deposit, which is held in a protected scheme for the duration of your tenancy – Tenancy Deposit Scheme. You will be informed by the Student Manager as to when the deposit will be required.

Almost all of Belvoir’s student contracts are fixed for eleven months. They begin on 1st September and end on 31st July. A small number of landlords start and end their contracts at different dates

Payments are made monthly, we will ask you to set up a standing order so that the rent leaves your account just before the start of each month.

If you wish to pay 3 months in advance each time, you can.

We will ask you to pay your first months rent upon application to reserve your property.

Contractually each group are required to ensure that their rental payment is cleared and in the Belvoir account on 1st each month, should Belvoir receive the rental payments after this date each group are liable to be charged for late payments. Rent must only be paid by Standing order. This is not a direct debit and Belvoir do not take the payment each month, your bank send them.

Yes. Depending on the length of the tenancy (this one being for a fixed period of eleven months) you sign, you are legally required to pay the rent until the contract ends.

Not unless a replacement tenant is found. Unfortunately, you and your guarantor are still responsible for the rent and all terms and conditions of the contract. These must be honoured, by law, until a suitable, alternative tenant has been found/secured.

Providing the full group rent has been received for your property, you are permitted to collect your keys from 1st September (or the date in which your contract starts). Keys are available between the hours of 9am and 5pm from Monday to Friday and can only be collected from the Belvoir office, you are permitted to collect a key on behalf of someone else provided they have contacted us prior to your arrival to confirm that they agree to this.

All Belvoir student properties are cleaned during the summer month of August, prior to tenant’s arrival. We cannot account for any accumulative dust where properties have been empty for some time before the tenants take occupancy. All properties are in a handover state on the date in which the tenancy begins.

Belvoir are the managing agents for most properties, some are managed directly by the landlord. Any maintenance issues should be reported with immediate effect to the office.

Unless otherwise stated, all tenants are responsible for paying their own utility bills, internet/phone bills and TV licences. Belvoir will take responsibility for notifying the gas, electricity and water companies of new tenant’s details and contract dates, the tenants will be billed accordingly thereafter. It is the tenants own responsibility to set up their internet/phone accounts and to arrange for their own TV licences. It is also down to the tenants to choose their own providers for internet and phone. The local district council will be notified of your occupation of the property; however, students are exempt from council tax. Therefore you will be asked to provide a form of university photo ID in order for the council to amend their records accordingly.

You need to contact Stoke-on-Trent Council or Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council regarding the relevant ways in which to organise and dispose of your household rubbish. Please contact Stoke-on-Trent Council or Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council directly regarding this: or 01782 234234 for Stoke on Trent City Council or 01782 717717 for Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council

No. The landlord’s insurance is for the building only. You are required to seek out your own contents insurance.

Student Contents Insurance: We can recommend Let Alliance. For more information please see website:

NO! Every single Belvoir property is a non-smoking property. Should there be any evidence at our routine inspections that this has been taking place, you will be fined accordingly for being in breach of your contract.

We will contact your group approximately 6 weeks prior to the end of your tenancy. You will be given helpful information regarding the checkout process of leaving your student accommodation.

You will be required to nominate a lead tenant (bank information) for the group deposit to be transferred. Once we have received paper bill confirmation from your group, that all Utility accounts have been closed and zero balanced, and the property has had a full inspection – we will arrange for Group Deposit to be transferred to the nominated account holder.

In the first instance, we invite you to come in to see us for a chat or call us, we would like to be able to resolve any issues you may have in a calm fashion with a view to being able to resolve any problems you have. Should you feel unhappy and that the matter has not been resolved. Please write to us at the following….

Student Manager
489 Hartshill Road