While hot weather is nice, and you may be aiming for that sun drenched tan, it’s crucial to know how to keep yourself cool. I love the sun but am always desperate to cool down when I need to especially at night!

Here at Belvoir we are always keen to look out for our tenants and landlords. We thought we would share a few tips to stay cool with mega temperatures predicted, so with just a bit of ice, a fan, and these tricks we can all stay safe.


🟡Refrigerate or freeze your bedsheets

Once you try this trick, you’ll wonder why you haven’t thought of it before. Place your bedsheets in your fridge or freezer for a half an hour before you sleep, and you’ll never have trouble falling asleep because of the heat again

🔵Keep your moisturizers & after sun in the fridge

Imagine rubbing cold moisturizer on your forehead — or your feet — in the middle of a hot day. What a relief! And it might be something worth keeping in mind all year long, as apparently is helps reduce puffiness- a trick Im willing to try! For a doubly cooling experience, try this with a tube of aloe vera.

🟣Sleep under a damp towel or sheet

May not be everyone’s cup of tea but this will feel especially nice if you have a fan running at the same time. The evaporation of the cloth’s water will keep you cool all night, and the sheet or towel will most likely be dry by morning

Also consider investing in soft gel packs that you can place underneath your sheets, or tucked between your legs (wrapped in a tea towel).

If you cant get one of these just use a hot water bottle with ice cold water instead

🟢Wet your curtains

This trick has been around for a long time, but I very rarely hear of anyone trying it at home. Spritzing or soaking your curtains, or leaving the bottoms to sit in buckets of water, is a great way to cool down any incoming sunlight or breeze from the outside. This trick only works if you can get air circulating to evaporate the water, so run a fan at the same time or chose a window with a draft coming through.

🟠Put a bowl of ice in front of your fan

This uber-easy trick is the very best of the DIY air conditioners: just toss a bunch of ice cubes into a metal bowl (or freeze some water straight into the bowl), and set it in front of a running fan. Tilt your fan or the bowl in such a way as to get air flowing directly onto the icy surface, cooling down the blowing air. You’ll feel the effect immediately. Remember to refill your ice trays right away to be ready for the next load.

🥵 Cool down your “hot zones”

Your pressure points are your secret key to happiness!

Applying a little ice pack or a bottle filled with iced water will help you cool down immediately.

These pressure points are:
– Ankles
– Behind the knees
– Wrists
– Elbow bends
– Neck
– Temples

🌶🌶🌶 Get spicy

Weird but true: spicy foods actually help you cool down. Spicy food increases your blood circulation, which in turn gets you sweaty and sweating cools you down !

🍡Get Creative

Why not make your own ice pops and smoothies using all kinds of fruits and even veg and just pop them in the freezer- especially fun with kids or just chance to be a big Kid!

🥛Drink lots and lots …but curb the coffee

May seem obvious but with busy lifestyles we do often forget to drink!

Hydration is key when your body is trying to maintain a regulated state (in this case, at a decent temperature).
Contrary to popular belief, while iced water is your safest bet in cooling you down, things like pop or energy drinks will also help you cool down. Yes water may be best but lets face it any liquid is better than no liquid…..and I still struggle to get my 5 year old to drink plain water- sugar free flavored water is my go to if he refuses plain…although a fancy bottle or straw with ice cubes often does the trick!
Having said that, make sure you’re not drinking coffee, as it’s a diuretic and can have dehydrating effects.

Avoid the sun between 11am to 2pm

This is when it is at its hottest and sunburns are most likely to happen during that period. Limiting your exposure will limit your chances of overheating. Maybe take an early or later break if you can and want to get out for a walk or enjoy the sun for a while.


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