BOILER TIPS – How to do the basics

Its that time of year when we all need to check our boilers and prepare for the coming colder weather.

Maintenance is key to preventing and solving some of the basic problems that can arise with your boiler. Of course it can’t all be done without a specialist.

The good news is there is a lot you can do, so lets take a look at some basic maintenance and trouble shooting


✅ Check your boiler now before winter so problems can be resolved early.  Once it gets into winter and the problems grow it can be so hard to find a specialist to solve your issues, especially at short notice.

✅ Make sure your radiators are bled

✅Make sure the thermostat is set to the correct temperature and times. If yours is a dual system make sure both are set correctly as sometimes one can be off completely, especially after the warmer period when it makes sense to switch the heating off completely.

✅Report ANY small leaks in the radiators no matter how small as this can lead boilers to loose pressure. We advise to always report any maintenance no matter how small at all times as the sooner we are made aware of an issue the sooner we can assess it and get it rectified.


✅Have you tried to re-set the boiler?

✅Check for any fault showing as if you call your agent, landlord or specialist this information will be helpful to diagnose the problem. Here at Belvoir we are very knowledgeable and may be able to guide you through sorting the problem if we know what the fault is. It would even be helpful to take a photo📸and email it to us.

✅Always check the pressure on the boiler. Especially if you feel it isn’t working as it should, as it may need re-pressuring

✅ Check that your condensate pipe isn’t blocked by debris as this can cause issues with your boiler. This isa thin pipe usually situated on the outer wall where the boiler is. Just check visually do not interfere with the pipe as this is a job for a specialist.

✅ Check there is money on the meter before you call for assistance. This may sound obvious to you but we do resolve some of our calls by finding out there meter has ran out of credit. We often have very busy lives which leads us to forget some of our basic tasks. You are only human!

✅ Advise us what heating and water facilities you have e.g an electric shower

For further advice call us on 📞 01606 783599


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