Contracts - What Tenants need to know

Most landlords/agents will ask you to sign a tenancy agreement – This is a legally binding document setting out each parties rights and responsibilities.

By signing it, both you and the landlord have certain rights protected in law which cannot be overwritten by the contract. Before you sign make sure that you understand all clauses, so there can be no nasty surprises after you’ve signed.

Many tenancies run for a fixed term, i.e. July 1st 2003 to June 30th 2004. In this case make sure that you are happy with the length of the contract as it is very unlikely that you will be able to end the tenancy early. The tenancy agreement should also state the following:

1. How much the rent is and when and how it should be paid.

2. The landlord’s or agents and tenants’ names and address of the property being let.

3. The date the tenancy began and its duration.

4. Who is responsible for the fuel bills, water rates and council tax.

5. Whether the landlord will provide any services (i.e. laundry, cleaning), and whether there are service charges for these.

6. The length of notice which the landlord/agent or the tenant need to give, if the tenancy is to be ended. (There are statutory rules regarding this dependent on the type of tenancy and usually you cannot give notice to end a tenancy early).

7. The landlord’s and tenant’s repair obligations. (Again there are statutory rules regarding this).

8. The landlord’s right of access, which should be at a reasonable time and after 24 hours notice.

The terms of the agreement must be in plain, intelligible language and not be unfair.

For more information please call 01606 783599 or alternatively please email us at


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