When it comes to rental properties, early preparation for winter is essential. It can pose its own set of challenges for property owners. We wanted to put together a few pointers to help protect your rental property during the colder weather.

Ensure the heating and plumbing system is winter-ready

Nothing exposes a faulty heating and plumbing system more than cold weather. Would yours pass a stress test? This winter is going to be particularly problematic due to the high energy costs and tenants being more mindful of using the central heating. Any hidden problems with pipework will be shown up quicker so it is vital that any exposed pipes are sufficiently lagged to prevent frost damage.

The boiler needs to be functioning correctly so it’s vital to have it serviced to head off any potential problems over the colder period. The last thing you want is it failing in the depths of winter.

Roofing, guttering and downspouts need to be in good order

Slipped tiles and leaky gutters can wreak havoc on the internals of a property so it’s important that these issues are addressed as soon possible to avoid disproportionate damage to the property.  Gutters that are full of debris can cause water to cascade down the wall and show up as damp patches on an internal wall.  Likewise, a slipped roof tile can allow water ingress into the nooks and crannies of the loft space and cause all sorts of issues.

Now Is The Time To Check Your Gutters

Wall and Loft insulation

These are two main areas where heat can escape from a property so having them well insulated should be a top priority.  Specialist companies can make an initial survey and provide a quote accordingly.  There may also be government assistance available dependent on circumstances and with the EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) level being considered to be uplifted to a ‘C’ rating minimum as of 2025 it makes sense to tackle this sooner rather than later.

Smart Metering

As an agency we’re finding it more beneficial for all concerned that smart meters are installed in rental properties, if eligible.  The main tenant benefit is that they can help track energy usage and provide more accurate billing. This will be a lot more attractive to tenants, especially as you can opt for a credit or prepayment option for even greater flexibility without the actual meter needing to be changed.  These meters can also be topped up remotely which removes the need to visit a shop with a prepayment token.  So all-in-all a very practical way of dealing with metering logistics.

Smart Energy Meters can benefit you as a property owner and your tenants

Landlord Insurance

Ensuring your landlord insurance is fit for purpose is key to having the peace of mind should the property suffer from a peril.  Sometimes things can’t be avoided no matter what precautions you take. Having a comprehensive insurance policy can be worth its weight in gold should the worst happen.  There may be a hidden fault with the property that can rear its head at the most inopportune moment; for instance when a tenant is away on holiday or over the festive period when contractors are in short supply.  You want a responsive insurer that will tackle a claim with efficiency to get the property back to a habitable condition without delay.


There are steps you can take now to mitigate any potential problems over the coming autumnal and winter months. These will not only protect your property but to keep your tenants happy. If they see you are showing commitment to the property, they usually reciprocate by looking after the property and staying on longer, knowing they will be well looked after and that efforts are being made to reduce their bills.

Importantly the earlier you do the necessary maintenance and preparation the less likely the wait for a reliable contractor.

If you would like any further information or indeed assistance on the contents of this blog then why not get in touch with us

Northwich Office:  01606 783599

Congleton Office:  01260 272737  

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