Moving Over Christmas & New Year

Although Lettings can go quieter over Christmas & New Year we still have a few move ins and people wanting to be settled in their new home for Christmas or the New Year ahead.

Read our Move In Tips to keep you safe and stress free over Christmas & New Year

Move In Tips

Book your removals well in advance.

Many people take time off in the lead up to and over the whole festive period. Fewer staff and reduced working hours can seriously scupper your ability to lock in a removal firm, so this is the first place to start and get it booked early.

Plan for tricky weather.

Winter is notoriously unpredictable , just look at this week! Although you’re unlikely to be hindered by a white Christmas, adverse weather can cause serious delays to your home moving timeline. Ensure you reduce risk of ice, for example, to allow the removal team to work safely and efficiently.

🚗Is your removal van sufficient?

Make sure you have a suitable vehicle to allow you to tackle any bad weather. Ensure its big enough & do not to overload it just to save on removal costs. Remember heavier vehicles take far longer to stop and when you also add a slippery road to the equation it can be potentially disastrous.

Stay Warm

Although moving house can be energetic and you can cag hot think about getting wet too…and how cold you can get when you slow down. So have a change of clothes to hand so you don’t spend longer than necessary in cold wet clothes or searching through boxes in your new home to find some.

🕚Plan For The Dark

It may seem obvious but the days are so much shorter and your day light is limited so make sure you plan for this and ensure the electric is switched on for you to move out & in safely

🎄Do your Christmas shop early

Although it may be the last thing on your mind when you are stressing you’re your move- believe me its an important thing to plan in. Aim to get it sorted before you move. You will inevitably find a whole host of things that need to be done when you make it into your new home so if your food is delivered by your pre-booked slot with your preferred supermarket you will be thankful its one less thing to think about and no sudden realisations you’ve forgotten the gravy!

Have a flask at hand

This is my move time must have….at any time of year but more so in the winter. Make sure you make up a flask or 2 for the move so you can defrost during the process and don’t have to hunt through stuff to find the kettle and brewing bits!

For more tips on moving home check out our Tenants Section on our website

Tips For Moving Home – Northwich (

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