With electricity costs rocketing and temperatures set to plummet in the weeks ahead and the festive season on the horizon, many of us will be feeling the financial pinch of keeping warm this winter. Energy-efficient options offer a great return on investment compared to non-efficient or conventional alternatives. Implementing these measures will significantly help you to increase savings in the long term.

What are the common energy efficient devices?

ENERGY STAR appliances can significantly reduce your electric bills. On average, home appliances – including clothes washers, dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, air purifiers and humidifiers – will account for 20 percent of your home’s total electric bill.

With home upgrades and energy-efficient appliances, you can save up to 30% on your utility bills. Energy-efficient appliances or devices are efficient, cheaper, eco-friendly, and act as an incredible way to save on your energy expenditures, so should not be reviewed as an expense but instead a great investment. When you implement the energy-efficient measures, your home will be adequately ventilated, drier, and warmer. It also brings health benefits too and eventually helps to reduce the risks of mould growth and illnesses. You are also doing your bit for the environment by lowering your carbon footprint.

You can lower the utility bills by switching to energy-efficient options and purchases and implementing simple energy conservation behaviours. Programmable thermostats, energy-efficient lighting, and advanced power strips can drastically help you to reduce energy cost expenses and bills. 

Some energy-efficient gadgets to help you save electricity

  1. Smart plugs
  2. Smart thermostats
  3. Radiator boosters and radiator reflectors
  4. Automatic radiator bleeder
  5. Energy-saving letterbox covers
  6. LEDs, or energy-saving light bulbs
  7. Eco shower heads
  8. Smart meters

Make the Most of Natural Light                 

It’s vital to take advantage of the natural light from the sun, which can help to reduce the amount of energy consumption during the day. A window can illuminate or light up a room 20 to 100 times its area and just switching off that light for a few hours  a day leads to savings over time. Not to mention the health benefits for the mind and body! Not sure if it’s possible for all, but now working from home I’ve moved my room around so the window is behind my screen so I’m looking out to see natural light when its daylight hours and half decent weather! This enables me to switch off the room light and as a bonus definitely lifts my mood…compared to staring at a wall.

Keep the draft out Unless your home is very new, you will lose some heat through draughts around doors and windows,gaps around the floor, or through the chimney. Professional draught-proofing of windows, doors and blocking cracks in floors and skirting boards can cost around £200, but can save around £25 a year on energy bills. DIY draught proofing can be much cheaper so why not give it a go, but if you are unsure and want to ensure this important process is done properly give us a call.

It may seem obvious but we often forget how much warmth we are loosing through open doors and windows. Simply shutting room doors as you go through the house can make the world of difference. How often do you go to another room and leave the door open for ages when you planned on only being out the rom a minute or 2??? I’m definitely guilty of this.

As I said I’ve moved my desk to enjoy the natural light so now feel the draft a little more. Simple tip…I’ve just popped some tape where the draft is coming through on areas of the window….important to bare in mind fire escape routes! Maybe even treat yourself to a draft excluders, energy efficient and can also be a great funky added décor to the room !

You could even make your own! How to make a draught excluder | Craft | The Guardian.  Pintrest have lots of fab ideas for this too!

Controlling Your Central Heating

Tips to Keep Warm When Working from Home - Radiator

It is a waste of energy and money to heat the whole house when you are just working in one room or area. If you have thermostatic radiator valves you can control the heat of each radiator individually. So before you start work, turn down all the radiators valves to low in the rooms not being used. If you do not already have radiator valves they can be fitted to existing radiators and they usually pay for themselves in a year.

Rug up Quite literally rugging up your living space as well as yourself can be a huge energy saver. If you have a space that isn’t carpeted a cosy winter rug can be a great investment and again can add real character to a space. And th bonus is unlike carpets they are easy to take to another home. We can save energy simply by throwing on some thicker cosy jumpers and other clothing, making the most of the days we don’t have to be in office attire. Maybe even get more use of that warm Christmas jumper this year. The blanket my nan knitted me over 40 years ago I’m not ashamed to say is on my knee right now……. and boy is it warm…no heating on for me!

Just for fun……but some actually really useful tips….just watch out for fire hazards!

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