Securing That Property Investment

With the new year underway and Christmas a fading memory, some of us are starting to consider their future and, in particular, our property portfolio.

 Whether you’re a first-time investor or a seasoned portfolio landlord, 2015 promises to be a great year for Buy-to-Let property investment.  With tenant demand showing no signs of slowing and more mortgage products available there is no time like the present to take advantage of these market conditions.  Add to this the pension reforms in April of this year, it all makes for a very promising opportunity.

 The green shoots of economic recovery are showing through which is giving business owners and the wider community more confidence about future prospects.  Financial institutions are willing to lend more to businesses for expansion which in turn leads to the hiring of more staff for some companies.  At a local level Congleton is bucking the national trend and showing strong signs of recovery.

 A vibrant market town, Congleton has a robust service sector and a good light manufacturing base propelled by a skilled workforce.  With medium to large employers recruiting more staff in the area this places a bigger demand on the housing stock for those that may have re-located to take up a graduate position for instance. This is where a buy-to-let investor comes in.  Tenants are always on the lookout for high quality yet affordable homes.  

Getting it right first time is essential. Which property should I choose? What area of Congleton or the surrounds? These should be two questions that are top of the list for any investor.  So you’ve identified which type of property and which area, consideration then must be made to the interior; tenants are quite particular about what fittings they want in properties. Not to mention the décor, flooring and window coverings.

 At Belvoir we specialise in finding the right property for your investment requirements.  Rather like finding the right pair of shoes, the same principle applies with property.  Everybody’s personal situation will vary and a holistic approach needs to be adopted.  Your tax affairs may need to be reviewed to ensure you don’t end up paying too much tax in the long run or that you own in the property in the most tax efficient manner.

If you would like to know more about investing into property in the Congleton area or have any specific questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us on 01260 272737 or pop into our offices on Lawton Street at any time.

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