Thermostatic Radiator Valves Can Save You Money

Using Radiators Correctly Can Save Around 18% on your Energy Bills

(based on testing at Salford University)

Until I read up on this topic recently, I didn’t understand the impact the correct use of the TRVs could have on my energy bill. So thought I would share what I learnt to help you to stay warm without spending unnecessarily.

Here’s a summary of how to use your TRVs effectively and save money

✅After the heating has been on a while, if a room isn’t at the temperature that is right for you, only make SMALL adjustments up or down. This raises or the lowers the temperature by a degree or two, to nudge the room warmer or cooler. If a room isn’t warm enough,

DON’T be tempted to turn the valve up to maximum,as this will tell the valve that you want the room like an oven. The next thing you know you will be opening windows and literally pouring money out of the house!

According to industry experts turning the valve up to maximum WON’T make any difference to how quickly the room warms up.

🥵A rough guide in terms of valve number and temperature is-

18C Number 2

20C Number 3

28C Number 5

Of course valves do vary a little from manufacturer to manufacturer and you will find your own comfort zone for each room. I personally having on no 1 or 0 in the bedroom but 3 in the lounge- we are all different when it come to heat but probably all want to save money!

⛔If a room is too warm when you walk into it, and the valve is set higher than you normally have it, DON’T just turn the valve off. Just adjust it down, as you will find you probably end up ramping it back up again later on and use more energy to do so. Adjusting the valve will stop the flow of water to radiator until the room has dropped to that ‘normal’ temperature, which it will then maintain.

✅If you aren’t using a room regularly, some say to turn the valve completely off to save energy. However, you must ne aware this can create bigger problems such as condensation, damp and mould. As a Letting Agency this is one of the most common problems we see and is often caused by poorly heated and ventilated spaces. No one wants to live with this. Consider just popping unused rooms to a low setting.

A room from my inspection where they have switched the radiator off & condensation and mould was building

❄If you do turn a thermostatic radiator valve OFF, have NO fear of causing freezing pipes. ALL TRVs have a built-in protection feature to stop this happening: if a room becomes extremely cold, the valve will actually open up and let some hot water through. I didn’t know this is why they have a snowflake symbol

⛔ If you DO have TRVs, don’t adjust the small valve at the other end of the radiator. This valve is called the lockshield valve and is something that should only be adjusted by a central heating engineer when setting up a system.

Interesting Fact

Do you wonder why you have TRVs on all radiators except on one radiator?

I didn’t know this but there is always one radiator without a TVR so the engineer can always circulate water through when the heating is on.

So if you don’t have thermostatic radiator valves maybe its time to get them to get them. Without them you have very little control over the temperatures in each room to suit your needs.The valves themselves only cost around £10, but you will need a plumber to fit them.

Thanks to Mark for his informative website The Savvy Stuff Blog | Energy efficiency tips and tricks ( which has taught me a great deal about Energy Saving, so take a look

From us all here at Belvoir Northwich & Congleton wishing you a healthy and happy Decemeber 🎄

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