Warning! Is your property adequately protected?

It’s a legal requirement to have Landlords Insurance in place on your rental property, but sometimes it’s simply not enough…

Imagine a scenario where you have seemingly great tenants: they pay the rent on time, look after the property and report maintenance issues swiftly.Now let’s say that one person in a couple living in a rental property was made redundant or couldn’t work through illness. This would not only put a strain on their relationship but would also affect their ability to pay the rent. In theory they could quickly find themselves in rental arrears, which isn’t good news for the landlord who has to meet the mortgage payments.

So where does this leave us? The tenants have nowhere to go and the landlord is facing repossession for falling behind with mortgage payments. There is an alternative…and a cost effective one at that. Belvoir offer a bespoke Rent & Legal protection plan that not only covers your missed rental payments but all associated legal and out-of-pocket expenses incurred in getting vacant possession of your property.

All this for the meagre sum of £130 for the year. That’s all.

With the snow skiing season upon us many of us are taking to the slopes.We often tell landlords that having no rental income protection plan in place is akin to going skiing without travel insurance. Is this a risk worth taking?

To find out more about our service and our insurance products why not drop in for a chat or give us a call…

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