We can help you navigate the property maze

With recent legislation changes abound in the lettings industry it’s no wonder why there’s a deal of uncertainty over letting property.  Here at Belvoir we aim to shed light on these changes to guide you through the maize.

The recent Budget announced by Chancellor George Osborne may have thrown a few curve balls to property investors, however with the right advice and careful planning, investing into property is a lucrative option.  We partner with Franklyn Financial Management to offer our clients access to wealth management expertise, as owning a rental property is simply not a case of installing a tenant and hoping for the best.

The Deregulation Act has prescribed changes to the eviction process that all tenancies after 1st October 2015 must adhere to, again it is essential that you follow the correct procedure if you want to serve notice on your tenant.  Fire safety is also a hot topic – no pun intended – which is welcome news from a tenant safety aspect.  Again there are certain fire safety conditions that need to be met if you’re letting a property out.

If you feel that you need any help or advice on the above topics then feel free to get in touch on 01606 783599 or visit us at our office on Castle Street.  Now is the time to make sure you’re fully compliant and making the most out of your investment property.

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