It’s getting to the point in the year where many of us will be jetting off for a nice little city break in Paris, a skiing holiday, a trip to Center Parcs or a weekend in the Lakes. We’re moving slowly and surely into Spring and people want to get away for a few days! We definitely don’t blame you for wanting a break, but this article will help you to keep your house safe whilst you are out there enjoying yourself!
Absolutely nobody wants the security of their house compromised or any of their money and possessions taken. Persistent burglars may be very difficult to stop, but we’ve thrown together these tips that you can follow to significantly reduce your chances of coming back home to tragedy.
Don’t broadcast that you’ve gone away!
This is the number one thing that so many people are guilty of. Posting on Facebook that you’re on holiday, checking yourself into places or posting pictures while you are away may seem like a nice thing to do, (or show off about) but this just informs all of your Facebook friends that your house is empty.
Not only can you not guarantee who your Facebook friends might tell, but if your privacy settings on Facebook, Twitter or other social media accounts aren’t under lockdown, then absolutely anyone who searches for your profile will know that you’re not in too, and what better time to try and break in?
Clear up the garden
Leaving ladders from that paint work or window cleaning you were doing round the back of the house is a no go! The same goes for any garden furniture such as chairs and stools, all of which can be used as objects that enable a burglar to have easier reach of your top windows or other means of entering your house.
Additionally, any garden tools such as shovels, rakes etc. should not be left outside as these can be used to a burglars advantage and assist them with a break in. Keep all things of this kind locked away in sheds or locked away inside the house. Don’t give them the upper hand.
Get friendly with the neighbours
One of the best things you can do is to get on good terms with your neighbours, simply having them keep an eye out for any suspicious activity not only offers you peace of mind, but it also minimises the chances of a break in.
If you are already close with your neighbours and trust those to enter your home, then ask if they can remove any mail or flyers that are posted in your absence, so it is not obvious to outsiders from the mail piling up in your porch or hallway that you are away.
If you can’t get your neighbours to do this then get a close friend to do this instead.
Hiding stuff
If anyone does manage to get into your home, then preventing them from taking your prized possessions is a good precaution to take. Try not to hide everything one place, such as under your bed or in the wardrobe, but try distributing things in separate rooms, so it’s harder for things to be discovered.
Good hiding spots are places such as inside flashlights, under the base of a floor lamp, or in the attic, concealed amongst things like cuddly toys.
Installing motion sensor lights on the front and/or back of your house can act as a deterrent to burglars. Motion sensor lights are more effective than lights that are on all the time because you and your neighbours get used to them being on.
If, on the other hand, a light comes on suddenly and illuminates a person, that is much more likely to get your attention, or your neighbours’. This will give the burglar a fright, and in many cases, refrain from breaking in as they are no longer concealed by the dark of the night.
Finally, our last piece of advice- are you not sure whether to leave your curtains open or closed while you are away? Leave them open! Nothing says this house is unoccupied than all the curtains being closed during the day!
We hope these tips help, and that anyone going away has a great time.
The Belvoir Nottingham West Team