Winter Guidelines for Tenants and Landlords

With the threat of the worst winter on record forecast, there could be problems with your properties soon, whether rented or not. The AIIC (The Association of Independent Inventory Clerks) is urging Landlords and Tenants to be vigilant about checking their properties are safe from potential water and fire damage.

We have put together a guide for Tenants and Landlords to protect their properties during the winter months:

Chimneys – ensure they are swept once a year by a professional chimney sweep, ideally before using the fire.

Smoke alarms – check they are working properly. Batteries should be changed annually. Fire risk is greater during the winter months, as Tenants use candles, open fires and fairy lights.

Insulation – ensure water pipes and water tanks are lagged and insulated.

Heating – If you are going away over the Christmas period, ensure that you leave the heating set to a minimum of 15 degrees. If the property is going to be empty for an extended period of time, advise your Landlord or Letting Agent as it may be sensible to have the heating system drained by a qualified contractor.

Boilers – Ensure that gas and oil boilers are serviced every 12 months.

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