A Guide to Market Appraisals

Appraising Properties

Your property is on the market in competition not in isolation!

At Belvoir our view is – if a job's worth doing it's worth doing properly – this starts right with the appraisal and how accurate we try to be on this.

We haven't got a 'Glasses Guide' or a formula to do this, and £ per square foot can also vary wildly. Every property has so many variables as well as the current market and buyer demand. 

Anyone call sell property – our job is always to maximise the price

We consider the pros and cons of your property against other similarly priced properties, (sold,  unsold and time on the market) and how well they are selling. We look at the maximum price your home could achieve if perfect, and the costs required to update it if not. We look at the size, flow and layout. We look at your competition and how that compares, we look through a buyer’s eyes and the research they do on all the properties they may view in your price range. We look at supply, demand, past sales and how the market is moving, we discuss all this with our colleagues. And finally, we think about how the price will be best represented on websites

Our job is to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. It’s so easy for a poor agent to overvalue to win business, but this will end up with less interest, the property will go stale, the price drops, and you end up with a lower selling price compared to if it came to market at the right price.

Having taken all this into account, using our more than 100 years’ combined experience, we discuss with you our recommended selling price to achieve its true market value – and you ALWAYS have the final say.

To us appraising  a property is a science not ‘guesswork and add a bit’!

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