We have been carefully watching the development and media surrounding the spread of the Covid-19 virus. To protect our landlords, tenants, leaseholders, contractors and team members we would like to make the following revised statement.

1.       All routine property visits (inspections) will now be postponed until further notice. If you have a property visit booked or due, please await further correspondence with regards to the date of re-booking. We have taken this decision to protect both our Property Managers and our tenants and their families.

2.       Viewings in vacant properties will continue as normal, unless either the applicant or current tenant(s) are experiencing any of the following scenarios:

           a)       They have travelled overseas in the past 8 weeks

           b)      They have any symptoms of Covid-19 (no matter how mild)

           c)       They have been in contact with anyone with the symptoms of Covid-19

           d)      They have been advised by a healthcare professional (or NHS 111) to self-isolate.

3.       Viewings in occupied properties will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

4.       Video/skype viewings are now available.

5.       Check-in and Check-out appointments will continue as normal with the exception of clients experiencing any of the scenarios in point

6.       Emergency maintenance will continue as normal. Should the situation deteriorate, this will be re-evaluated. Occupiers will be asked if they are experiencing any of the above four scenarios prior to the visit. All contractors have been provided with advice with regards to mitigating the spread of Covid-19 and risk assessments will be carried out prior to releasing keys for each job. Please make us     aware as soon as possible if any occupiers are in a “High Risk” group.

7.       Non-emergency maintenance will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

8.       Hand sanitiser is available at the front entrance to the office and both property managers and negotiators have been requested to use hand sanitiser both before and after appointments and they have been requested to avoid both hand shaking and close contact with others (1 metre distance as recommended by government sources). Please do not take offence at this; we are trying to keep our team safe and prevent the spread of the virus.

9.       Should members of our team need to self-isolate, they will be able to do so with our full support and financial backing. Please bear with us through this period as we prioritise work to ensure our service levels are not affected.

10.   Should any of our occupiers have a problem making their rental or service charge payments relating to Covid-19, we request you contact us as soon as possible to discuss the options.

11.   In the extreme circumstance that we are required to close the office, we have contingency plans to enable the business to continue operating on a skeleton basis and would be able to update you should this situation occur. This would involve team members working remotely.

12.   The safety and health of both our team and those we meet is paramount therefore we will do all we can as a business to ensure our actions minimise the impact of Covid-19 on all our clients.


• Dry cough

• High temperature/fever

• Shortness of breath


• Regular hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds

• Using regular hand sanitiser gel

• Cover your mouth or nose with tissue rather than your hand when coughing and sneezing

• Put tissues in sealed bin as soon as possible

• Avoid close contact with others who are unwell

• Avoid touching your face


• Remain at home and self-isolate

• Do not visit your GP or hospital

• Use the NHS 111 online Corona Virus service for further advice:

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