Is bigger better for rental property?

Southsea Seafront is popular with tenants and Driftwood Gardens, Selsey Avenue, Spencer Road and Craneswater Avenue are in the top 30 most expensive streets in Portsmouth. Whilst properties on these streets maintained their values during the recent recession, this does not necessarily make them good Buy To Let investments, even though it is great news for the current owners. With rental yields and returns of around 3% to 3.5% per year, there are much better investment properties in Portsmouth, which are likely to achieve yields or returns of nearer 6% to 8% per year. Whilst it is possible to find tenants for four bedroom properties, demand is not as high as that for smaller properties. Instead of buying one four-bedroom property on Southsea Seafront it may be worth investing in two terraced houses – one a three bed and one a two bed, as they may rent out much more quickly and consistently.

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