10 Cheap and Easy Home Decorating Ideas (brought to you by a dog).

Welcome to my blog, Rumbles Blog. The blog of probably the most knowledgable English Bulldog you will ever meet!

Now over the last few weeks I have proved myself as a dog that knows his stuff, having brought you my help with Easy Ways to Add Value to the Outside of Your Home and my Household Money Saving Tips and this week I’m going to help you to make your home look nice …on a tight dogs budget too. 

Here are ten great (even if I say so myself) tips for decorating your home on a budget:

1. People always think of painting or wallpapering as the way to decorate. Yes it is, but instead of doing a whole room, why not just decorate one wall or even part of a wall and make a feature of it? A feature wall is all the rage and it will save you on time and money!

2. Move your pictures, ornaments and furniture around! You will be amazed how just moving a few things that are already in your home in to different locations can give your home a refresh, particularly to you. Just don’t move the dogs bed, we won’t like that, it’s there because I like it there.

3. A rug can lift a room! You can get one on a budget too by taking an old piece of carpet to a local carpet shop and asking them to ‘whip’ it which will turn it into a rug, it’s a cheap process. 

4. Ebay and Facebook! Start online and on Social Media if you are looking for new furniture or decorative pieces. You will be amazed what some people want to get rid of and cheaply, if not for free. Search on Ebay and post out requests for what you are looking for on Facebook, use your network.

5. Do you like the pebbles, sticks, and shells that all the home decoration shops want to sell you? Well there is no need to buy them, get out and go for a walk, nature is free and you can take it home. Get creative too, there are many TV shows and online guides to help you make amazing decorations from raw materials for your home.

6. Paint the sides of doors! It’s out of the blue this one but thats what I’m like. Just Google ‘painting the sides of doors‘ and you will see how doing just that in a bold colour can make a boring room have an immediate wow factor! 

7. Combining two of our list so far, why not try painting a piece of old shabby furniture that you buy for next to nothing from Ebay or a local second hand shop? Don’t worry if you are not that creative, its really not that hard to transform an old piece of furniture, just give it a go. If you have a family, get the kids involved, it could end up being not only great fun but also one of your favourite and most memorable pieces of furniture in your home.

8. A really simple one – don’t overdo the decorations. Check to see if you have too many nick naks and decorations. Too much of a good thing can work against you and create a cluttered look that ruins a room. Try taking a few things away, less may be more. 

9. Move seating away from the walls? You will probably need a human to help you if you are a dog, but try it, try, just try, putting your furniture in an unconventional layout, pull it away from the wall, away from the window, think out of the box with even the most straight forward of rooms. Not everything needs to evolve around the telly, the radiator, the fire place. 

10. Change your shades! Light shades that is. They are cheap and available in all sorts of colours and sizes …and they really catch the eye.

Well there are ten of my budget decoration tips to make your house (or flat) a home …and don’t forget when it comes time to make a bigger change, get in touch with Belvoir! Sheffield to view our latest houses and flats for sale and to rent in Sheffield. 

Oh and if you would like more of my help and advise, make sure you follow us on Facebook or Twitter as I’ve got plenty more where this came from!

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