A Dogs explanation of the House Buying Process!

Welcome to my blog, Rumbles Blog. The blog of probably the most knowledgable English Bulldog you will ever meet!

This week I’ve been observing how these humans go about buying a house. What exactly the stages of the buying process are. I’ve found its not that complicated really, you just need to do things in a certain process, and make sure you know what you need to do at each stage of the house buying process.

Step 1: Arranging your Finances.

In this market it is important to arrange your finances before you start searching. That way you know how much money you can borrow and if you need to spruce up your financeStep 2: Let the agents know your requirements.s in order to sort out a mortgage first you can do. Just the same as what I do before a trip to the Pet Shop.


Don’t just keep checking Rightmove, but also contact Belvoir! Sheffield as early in your search as possible so that they can let you know about the very latest properties that come on to the market that match your criteria.

Step 3: Find the right property.

This is the fun part, enjoy it! Belvoir! Sheffield can arrange viewings of properties that match your search criteria and keep you informed. Read my other blogs on what to look for when viewing properties and you will find the right property for you, I know my stuff.

Step 4: Making an offer.

Once you have found your ideal property, you can make an offer. The agent will normally act as the intermediary and once the seller has accepted your offer the house if Sold Subject to Contract – At this stage there is still no legal obligation on either party to complete the sale though. You may need to be able to provide proof that you can afford the purchase price at this stage in order to verify your offer, ie, details of your mortgage offer, that was the bit that I failed on!

Step 5: Appoint a solicitor.

A successful purchase iis often down to appointing a good solicitor. Belvoir! Sheffield can help you here and guide you to solicitors that specialise in conveyancing and know the area in which you are purchasing. 

Step 6: Offer Accepted.

Once the vender has accepted your offer. The agent will:

– prepare a memorandum of sale write

– to all parties to confirm the agreed price

– request that you confirm your solicitors and mortgage brokers details

At this stage you will need to bark at your solicitor to instruct him to proceed with the property conveyancing process and nudge your mortgage broker to crack on with your application.

Step 7: Conveyancing.

Your solicitor will do the following as part of the conveyancing process:

– Raise any enquiries on receipt of the draft contract from the vendor’s solicitor

– Request their own local searches

– Refer to the information already provided in the seller’s Home Information Pack

– Agree on a date for exchange of contracts

Step 8: Survey and mortgage offer.

You may choose to organise a survey of the property to identify if there are any structural problems that may be present on the behalf of the mortgage. If you are buying with a mortgage it is likely that the lender will want to check the value of the property in addition. There are no legal obligations until contracts are signed.

Step 9: Exchange of contracts.

The formal exchange of contracts agrees the terms of the sale and makes them legally binding on both you and the buyer. The deposit will then be transferred from your solicitor to the vendors solicitors account. Once this has happened then a completion date will be agreed with the vendor.

Step 10: Completion.

The day it all happens! When the remaining money has been transferred the purchase is complete! Once the money has cleared in the venders account then the keys will be released. 

Congratulations you are now the legal owner of the property, move your bed and toys in and relax.

Looking to buy a house in Sheffield? Start this process by getting in touch with an expert at Belvoir! Sheffield where we can help and advise you throughout the entire process and find you the house (flat or kennel) that you are looking for! Oh and if you would like more of my help and advise, make sure you follow us on Facebook or Twitter as I’ve got plenty more where this came from!

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