Deposit-friendly Decorating Tips

If you’re renting a property, no doubt you want it to feel like home…achieving this can be tricky as whilst you want to make modifications, you don’t want to risk your deposit not being returned just because you wanted to soften your surroundings. We’ve put together these three simple tips for decorating your rental home and ensure the security of your all-important deposit…plus, they won’t cost a whole lot, either!

Try a rug!

Rugs aren’t only great for warming up a chilly room, they’re great for covering unsightly floors and adding a bit of colour to the room. They’re easy to roll up and take on to your next property if you were ever to move and you’ll never leave any lasting damage…they’re also great for protecting floors if you’re prone to spillages or have mucky little ones – a rug will help to ensure as little damage as possible is caused. 

Say it with colour!

A pop of colour in your furnishings will bring some personality to your room. Whether bright pink if your kind of thing or you prefer something slightly more subtle, you can really bring some wow-factor to your room with colour that you can take with you when you leave!  We love the sofa pictured above, it’s bright and will bring bags of personality to your room.   

Hook it up!

Command hooks are possibly one of the most rental-friendly inventions that has ever been created. They’re easy to stick up and won’t take half the wall down when you want to take them down – they’re great as a temporary fix to add some extra hanging room in areas that need it…we recommend under the stairs to hang jackets and keys. They’re also great for holding a curtain rod to put up some temporary, lightweight curtains to help make your house feel a bit more like home.

There’s nothing better than feeling at home in your new rental property so give our tips a try, put your feet up and enjoy your new home.


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