Easy ways to add value to the Outside of your Home.

If you don’t already know, I’m Rumble. A British Bulldog with a surprising interest in property and lifestyle. This week, I’ve been sniffing around how to improve the exterior of your home, to make it look more appealing from the outside and even to add value to your property when it comes time to sell and move on.

Even from my height the outside of a house makes a big different to what I think about it. 

Make your home look nice from the outside and it will stand out …and people will want to see inside. Even if you are not thinking about moving home just yet, it is a good idea to keep on top of the outside of your home and keep it looking as good as it can be, it will make you smile much more to walk up your drive at night to a home that is looking its best.

I’ve been sniffing about outside a few houses in Sheffield recently, heres just a few of the points I’ve sniffed out for you… 


Keep on top of the painted parts on the outside of your home. If its dull, mucky, and flaky, it looks horrible, and will only get worse. Plug in your iPod and get out a paint brush and keep it looking nice, it makes all the difference.

Changing the colours of windows, doors, etc, is also a great (and pretty cheap) way to change and freshen the outside appearance of your home, it can make a real difference. 

Windows and Doors

Not all windows and doors are able to be painted though, many are upvc and similar materials.  They can weather and fade over time and start to look mucky, making a surprisingly large impact on the outside appearance of your property.

However, these can also be spruced up, a quick Google search for ‘UPVC Window Repairs Sheffield’ will provide details of several companies that specialise in refurbishing and repairing upvc windows, and doors. It is cost effective and can certainly add value and appeal to some homes come selling time.


A free and simple one if you have even slightly green fingers, or paws. Keep the grass cut, the hedges trimmed, and cut back on any overgrowth. A well presented garden creates a great impression.

Don’t forget the back garden though either. Paint the picture with your garden as to how it can be used as an extra room to your home in summer, a great place to unwind, enjoy barbecues, and for the likes of me to play.

Think about its function too. Us dogs like to see a great place to play that is nice and secure too, so no missing fence panels or anything like that. I like to think that my back garden is safe and secure, a great place to spend time.

Brick and Stone Work

If your home has had an extension at sometime or has an area of bricked up brickwork (such as a bricked up window, door, or flue) in a brick that doesn’t quite match the original house brick or stone it can stand out and look very untidy.

It might be worth investing in colour treatment such as ExtensionMatch which will solve that instantly and make all your brick or stone work blend seamlessly together. Really makes an impact on the appearance of the property.

Cosmetic Repairs

Similarly, it may be well worth getting any other repairs sorted. You’ll be surprised, I have sniffed out that most things can be repaired now and often cost effectively. Guttering, soffitts, brickwork, paving, etc, can be cleaned up and repaired back to looking like new. 

Services like these are now common place and can really make the outside of your home sparkle, just as a newly decorated, cleaned, and repaired room inside your home!

Finally, don’t forget about me, and other dogs like me. If you let your dog do his business in your garden, pick it up, and keep it clean!  And while you are at it, make why not clean my bed area and make me a box for my toys. That one might not add too much value to your home, but I’ll be happy.

Thinking about selling your home in Sheffield or buying a property in Sheffield? Get in touch with Belvoir! Sheffield. Oh and if you would like more of my help and advise, make sure you follow us on Facebook or Twitter as I’ve got plenty more where this came from!

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